Everything’s smaller in Texas: How to live well in the concrete jungle

Written by Grace Szucs- Communication & PR

It’s been nearly two weeks since I sat in the new Halifax Central Library listening to Jason Robert talk about the Better Block Project. Like many East coasters, I have friends who live and work in Texas (where Roberts is from), and I’m familiar with stories of concrete superhighways, gated communities, and urban sprawl.

Texan cities like Houston and Dallas sound like a lost cause to someone who takes a 15 minute stroll to work, passing by parks, merrily bubbling fountains, and meandering along a large lake.

Better Blocks is an organization that takes underused areas of the city and, through volunteer intervention, turns them into places people want to occupy. They take over a single block and set up temporary parks, pop-up shops and cafes, seating areas, and even pools to bring people into the space to mingle.  Roberts is inspired by European plazas and streets where the young and old linger and spend time together and businesses bustle, and he isn’t deterred by concrete flyovers or abandoned lots or even outdated city bylaws that seem to stand impede his vision.

Given the enormous success Roberts has enjoyed with Better Blocks, I was surprised to find out that his end goal is not the continued success of his projects. Rather, the main focus of Better Blocks is to raise social capital. That is, to engage the community and have fun. It’s the only assumption he makes before embarking on a project. The ripple effects of starting a conversation in a community and bringing attention to the sense of belonging in a particular space are often unpredictable, he says.

Roberts is full of wisdom and joyful determination. Listening to him talk was like being rained with golden nuggets of insight, so that’s how I’m going to present what I learned from Jason Roberts.

First of all, start small: Roberts seeks to transform a single block in a neglected area of a city.

Permanency: Forget it. Don’t fear it, and don’t strive for it. Creating something temporary takes the pressure off and allows creativity to flow more easily. The more experimental you can be the more likely it is that innovation will strike. Impermanence also engenders less backlash from city officials.

Red tape: One of the huge takeaways I got from Roberts was how these temporary, community-built interventions could serve as research and development for the city. By essentially creating a case study for something the community wants, you do some of the key work and data-gathering that costs the city thousands of dollars and takes sometimes years to organize through traditional means.

Identity: When Roberts approaches an area for improvement, he thinks about the “legacy” of that place. What is unique about the area and how can he highlight it?

Identity is in the details, he says, and we should celebrate what’s already present in a community. What makes the place great? Target those attributes and use them make that spot irresistible, to make it somewhere people want to be.

Rapidity: Roberts talks about getting things done in “rapid order”. Act now. Make your project happen this weekend. Why not? Doing so creates momentum and keeps self-doubt from creeping in.

Resources: Realign the resources you already have in new order so they can work in a new way, says Roberts. Engage the community around you. When it comes to resources, Roberts always tries to borrow first, build second, and finally, if needed, buy. Borrowing is integral to his main focus of raising social capital. It gets neighbours to meet, talk to one another, and it builds trust among the community. When something needs to be built for a project, Roberts harnesses the opportunity for learning and skill-sharing. If it comes down to making a purchase, he uses it as another opportunity to engage people through fundraising education and passing the hat.

One of Roberts’ many philosophies goes like this: An environment based on fear is cold whereas an environment based on love breeds positivity.

Feeling inspired yet?

100in1Day is like a tiny Better Blocks. Individuals create small, positive changes in their community through one-day interventions, and the 100in1Day team is here to help facilitate your ideas. We will be holding workshops throughout the city over the next 3 months. On June 6th everyone’s intervention will launch for the day and transform Halifax as we know it! 100in1Day.ca

Jason Roberts (@mannytmoto) was brought to Halifax by two other lovely organizations: Halifax Cycling Coalition and the Planning and Design Centre.

Come Volunteer With Us!

Written by Grace Szucs- 100in1Day Communications Team

I can’t believe we’re already gearing up for 100in1Day 2015 here in Halifax. It’s pretty darn exciting. We learned a lot last year and, along with Vancouver and Toronto, we’re  striving to make this event even bigger and better!

100in1Day is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who wants to learn new skills, hone the ones they already have, or contribute their expertise to the cause (luckily we had a healthy does of those folks!). Last year I volunteered on the social media team and wrote a couple of blog posts for the 100in1Day website. I learned all about how to spread our message, engage the community and create a following using Facebook and twitter. It didn’t matter that I had only used these platforms for my own entertainment: the 100in1Day team provided training, I did some research on my own, and I was encouraged to just get in there and try it out.

We’ve already had one volunteer brainstorming session this year, and it reminded me of why I like this event so much: it’s an opportunity to hang out with new people who are brimming with creative ideas and who just want to create a fun and accessible event that allows people to contribute to their city. These folks make me want to step up my game and step out of my comfort zone. Low stress, high inspiration!

Photo by Kate Mosher

But enough about me, 100in1Day is your event and we need you. Yes, you reader. We’re pulling together a leadership team right now and we need volunteers (aka “Citizen Activators”) to help plan and co-create the action leading up to June 6th. We need help with outreach, running workshops, photography, and logistics to name but a few things. Check out this link for more information. It’s a fantastic way to gain experience, meet cool people, contribute to your community, and build your resume. Why wouldn’t you?

I hope to see you at our next meeting in the New Year! Come, it’s fun. Seriously.

Here’s that link again, future Citizen Activator.


Brains Buzzing at Alderney Gate Workshop

Written by Kate Mosher- 100in1Day Volunteer

We set out the tables at the Alderney Gate Library, put out our crackers, veggies, salsa and hummus. The kettle boils and the coffee perks. Around 6:15pm, the participants stream in. Some are in junior high, others are nearing retirement.

May 1st heralds the first of six 100in1Day Halifax Intervention Workshops. The workshops are designed to bring interested citizens together to brainstorm intervention ideas, discuss, plan, conspire and inspire. Upon arrival, some participants already have an idea, some are determining whether they would like to stage their own intervention or support someone else’s, and others have come to learn more and discuss their ideas about fun and meaningful events.

Photo by Nicole Holland

An icebreaker gets us thinking and talking; if your community was a person, what would you ask it?

My partner says “Why so quiet?”, while my neighbour says “Ever heard of a bath?”

I say, “Do you know my name?”

Then Julia and Colleen walk us through the details of 100in1Day – the history, the intent and the logistics.

Down to work, brainstorming: What do we love about Halifax? What would we like to see more of? What could we as citizens do to achieve that?

“Talk to thy neighbour” writes one of the high-school students. “Pop-up street parties” writes another group. “Year-round carolling” is heard from the front; it receives resounding approval.

Photo by Nicole Holland

Photo by Nicole Holland

We chat, we nibble, we sip, we debate. By 8:00pm, everyone’s heads are buzzing with possibilities. One participant thinks she might do Strangers Community Choir. Another can’t decide between a photo booth or a henna activity. Others decide that they want to support the event, but aren’t interested in holding an intervention themselves. We hear a common refrain “I just want to go to all of the events!” “Why can’t it be 100in1Day Weekend?”

On the topic of the workshop, “It’s helpful to have a dedicated space to brainstorm,” Eva says.

“It’s making me excited. I look forward to seeing the smiles on people’s faces, and doing other peoples’ activities too,” says one of the female high school students.

Check out the workshop schedule for one close to your community, happening until June 3rd.

Ready, Set, Submit (your intervention)!

Our intervention submission form is now live!

If you are new to the site, check out our FAQ to learn more about urban interventions and the global local movement that is 100in1Day.

If you’ve been hard at work developing your intervention idea and have decided to commit on June 7 (yay!), go ahead and start your registration here! You’ll be asked to sign up with our partner Projexity with your name and e-mail address, or via Facebook. This will allow you to save a draft of your intervention, or go back and make changes once you’ve submitted.

Don’t worry if you don’t have all the specifics (like location and time) figured out yet — you can fill us in at a later date. But be prepared to provide some, if not most, of the following:

  • Contact information
  • Title of the intervention
  • Description of the intervention (who, what, where, when, how)
  • Visuals (one of following: image, video or map)
  • A few ideas around how you will promote your intervention
  • If there are any resources (materials, money, manpower) you could use help finding

There is an option to “Save Draft”, so feel free to start it and come back to it as you get more details sorted out.

Once you have registered, you will start getting support from the 100in1Day volunteer team, who are ready to help connect you with resources and start promoting your awesome intervention (if you so wish)!

Remember, everyone is invited to contribute and no intervention is too small.

If you have any questions not answered on this site, feel free to get in touch at 100in1dayHFX@gmail.com, @100in1DayHFX, or on our Facebook page.

By Frances Woo

(Photo credit: Vancouver Public Space Network)

What Exactly is an Intervention?

Written by Kate Mosher- 100in1Day Halifax Volunteer

On June 7th, we’re aiming to have 100 interventions transform our neighbourhoods, and urban cityscape. But what exactly is an intervention?

Interventions are one-day activities or community projects that are meant to build positive space, communities and attitudes; to be innovative within urban spaces and spark ideas about positive change. The sky is the limit for these activities as long as they follow a few simple guidelines:

– they should be positive, and make our city a better place to live

– they should be free and accessible to everyone

– they should citizen-driven (organizations and businesses are also strongly encouraged to participate while keeping in mind this is not a branding/PR event)

How to Create an Intervention:

First, ask yourself: “What would I like to see in my community?”

Perhaps you would like to see:

– more appreciation of nature

– more social interaction in public spaces

– increased bicycle safety

– better use of public space

Then ask yourself, “How can I create the change I’d like to see?” – perhaps you could:

– Host a bird-identification tour through a local park

– Sit at a table with an empty chair in a public space and invite people to sit and talk to you

– Host a bicycle safety workshop

– Create a “guerrilla garden” in an under-used space

If you’re having trouble moving from step one to step two, or if you’d like some support working out the details of how to make it happen, attend one of our weekly workshops beginning mid April! We here at 100in1day Halifax will help you make your dream a reality!

Here are some other awesome ideas for interventions:

– bicycle rickshaw rides for seniors




silent disco

– decorating bus shelters to make more welcoming spaces

– storytelling for children

– pop up library


We want to hear your awesome ideas! Get in touch at 100in1dayhfx@gmail.com

Get Inspired: Meet an Intervention Leader

Written by Grace Szucs- Communications Volunteer

By Nicole Holland

One of the first participants to get excited about the 100in1Day Halifax interventions is Halifax-based artist, Emma FitzGerald. Emma will be facilitating an urban sketch crawl of popular public areas in Halifax such as the Seaport Market, the Public Gardens, Point Pleasant Park, or the waterfront. Participants will get to draw their city, recording Halifax from their unique perspective, as well as meet fellow Haligonians.

As a participant, you will bring your sketching gear and head out to experience Halifax at a slower, simpler pace (either on foot or by bicycle). Emma is choosing the well-trodden paths of Halifax for good reason: “We might spend time there, but we might not actually really look at them.” Drawing brings attention to the fact that “our cities are constantly changing and by drawing them you’re taking note of that process.”

Northwood sketch_EFitzgerald

This intervention gets to the heart of community-building by focusing on the way we view our city. “Drawing is a form of appreciation because you notice things and then you’re more invested. If suddenly someone wanted to get rid of certain trees or get rid of a certain building there’s more connection,” says Emma.

More importantly, this is going to be a heck of a lot of fun. She imagines the intervention will be like a flash-mob that will “generate interest and excitement just by having that many people there doing the same thing together.” Afterwards she plans to have a gathering in a café or similar setting to share your work and experience of the day.

Emma believes that everyone can draw. Her intervention will be “more about the activity [of drawing] and the enjoyment of it versus having lots of amazing artwork at the end, although that also is possible — that we will have some awesome record of the city at this moment in time,” she says.

Emma sketches urban areas when she travels, and finds it intriguing to locals who often stop to talk with her, sharing stories and information about the places she visits that she would otherwise not get to hear. “I had been neglecting actually drawing in Halifax until this past year and then I realized I could have the same kind of experience I have when I’m travelling, but in my own city just by drawing it,” says Emma.

kwikway sketch_EFitzgerald

Simply put, this is about simplicity. Drawing “is a form of relaxation and engagement that anyone can do and it’s very minimal cost and not a lot of a equipment,” Emma says. “Oftentimes I’ve just borrowed a milk crate from a restaurant and sat on that for an hour and there you go.”

Keep your eye out for more details about Emma’s intervention and many more as we get closer to the event!

What gift do you have to gift to your community on June 7th? Sign up for an intervention or attend one of our upcoming community workshops to explore possibilities!

Emma runs “Emma Fitzgerald Art & Design” and accepts commissions for house & business portraits, and illustration projects. She especially enjoys projects that combine her love for people and places.

Welcome to 100 in 1 Day Halifax!

A pop-up park in Yarraville, Australia is an example of space-making through urban change
(Photo source: worldlandscapearchitect.com)

Save the date: 100 in 1 Day Halifax will take place on June 7, 2014
Who: Presented by Evergreen
Where: Across Metro Halifax

What it is:

What if hundreds of people united, each putting in place the changes they wish to see in their city, all on the same day?

That’s the goal of 100 in 1 Day—it is a social movement engaging citizens in positive acts of change. Everyone with a vision for Halifax is invited to lead or participate in an urban intervention on June 7. An urban intervention is any project, big or small, that allows people to showcase their ideas for a better city.

How to get involved:

  • Follow our updates on Facebook
  • Volunteer for the event: Become a citizen activator.
  • Begin thinking about your urban intervention—from March until May we will host workshops to help you develop your vision and plan your urban intervention

100 in 1 Day urban interventions from cities around the world:

Montreal, Quebec became a bilingual dictionary for a day through stickers placed on objects in public spaces.

100in1Day Montreal

A playful public space was created in Bogota, Columbia when residents were invited to a game of jump rope.


Langa Clean-up and Painting Day in Cape Town, South Africa was part of a broader project to clean up their community.
